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Regional ADS Benchmarking

ADS regions are the specialized Development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya and they are responsible for the social transformation work of the Anglican Church across the country. ADS works through 10 regional offices spread out in the Country, with each Region allocated several Dioceses and Counties to serve.

ADSE being the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya in the Eastern Region, hosted the Board of Directors of ADS Central Rift with the purpose of best practices/process benchmarking so as to evaluate various aspects for peer learning, governance and future adaptability.

This exchange visit then allowed the organizations to develop plans on how to make improvements or adopt best practices, with the aim of increasing targeted aspects of performance.

Central rift Board of Directors and the community during a benchmarking visit to Kiangini CBO.

The visiting Board members led by their Chairman Bishop Joseph Muchai and Executive Director Kevin Koech had an opportunity of interacting with the three tiers of ADSE governance structure including the Board of Trustees represented by the Chairman; Bishop Joseph Mutungi of Machakos Diocese and Trustee Bishop Francis Matui of Makueni Diocese, Board of Directors represented by the Chairman; Ms. Rodah Mulili and the Management represented by the CEO; Mr. John Mutua. They also had a site visit to Kiangini Development CBO in Kathonzweni ward, Makueni County where they interacted with the CBO members who showcased their various income generating activities among them bee keeping and honey packaging/selling, mat and basket weaving. The group members who practice weaving made a sale of worth Ksh. 54,500 during the visit.

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