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Success Stories

Technology Transfer-Agnes Syokau Mutuku

Agnes Syokau Mutuku, 45 years old is a peasant farmer in Kakuswi village, kaseve sub location, Kanthuni location in Mavindini ward. She is married to Mutuku Nthenge and they have been blessed with six children i.e. 4boys and 2 girls. 4 are in primary school, one in secondary and one did KCSE last year.

Agnes is a member of Amuka Tui shg which is one of the Kanthuni development CBO. She has been attending the trainings organized by ADSE and thus doing. She has been well equipped with knowledge and skills on good agricultural practices. Unfortunately there has been inadequate rainfall and this has limited her to implement all what she has gained.

She has also been one of the active members involved in ADSE activities. Agnes participated fully during construction of the farm pond. ADSE trained them on the importance of the water conservation structures and she later adopted the farm pond and is opting to be a small scale commercial farmer in few months to come after using the water in the farm pond


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