Women inclusion in Project initiatives
Born and raised in Makueni County, Catherine Wambua, 39years is a member and the secretary of the ladies with Vision Women Group is married and blessed with 4 children lives in Kyunyu Village in Kiangini Sublocation, Makueni County.
Catherine narrates,
As a woman born here and married at the neighborhood, I have experienced a lot of challenges and strengths of our community. Initially, our area was very dry and water was a very scarce commodity. We used to walk long distances of up to 10kilometres and spend a lot of time going to the main river Kikuuu to fetch water. Sometimes we used to go even days without taking food because of the recurrent drought seasons experienced in this area. I didn’t want to be associated with groups as thought that it is a waste of time and were of no beneficial to me. The community members at Kyunyu didn’t have knowledge and skills on how they can conserve the environment, get income from non-rain fed sources, planting the right seeds and crops suitable for the area. Our lands are vast with seasonal rivers, schools and a health center serving the location”.
Catherine Wambua is a member of the Ladies with Vision Women group. The group participated in several LIP initiatives. Smiling Catherine narrates.’’ Catherine is an active member and a secretary of Ladies with vision Women group. She participated in several PMC (Project Management Committee) monthly meetings to review and plan. One time, she represented the group and proposed to have a sump well-constructed along Kyunyu river. During the construction of the Kyunyu solar powered water project, the community participated in providing unskilled labour like digging the pipeline trench, locally available materials like sand, ballast and water.
The group participated in a training on Village Savings and Loaning Schemes and immediately started growing my savings. They were trained on various income generating activities like soap making, jewellery, serviette holders, poultry keeping and baskets making. Additionally, they were also trained on good agricultural practices, establishment of kitchen gardens, climate smart agriculture technologies, establishment of crop demonstration, environmental conservation and soil water conservation measures.
Catherine says,
Our lives have taken different direction after the various interventions ADSE has done in our location. The Kyunyu water project has increased water access in the area and reduced water access as I walk for less than 1Kilometre to get clean water for both Livestock and domestic use. We as women can now access credit amongst ourselves after savings in the Village Savings and Loaning. I saved up to KES. 1,600 in a month where I acquired a loan of KES. 3500 that I used to clear school fees for one of my sons in secondary school.
When the Ladies with vision Women group were trained on poultry keeping and management, she acquired a loan of KES. 5800 and purchased 60 chicks. Currently, Catherine has sold 32 hens at Kshs. 800 each and she used the profits gained to purchase feeds for the remaining chicks, cater for household basic needs and purchased seeds to establish a kitchen garden. In the kitchen garden she planted kales and she no longer purchase vegetables from the market since they are readily available. Neighbours frequent Catherine’s home to learn on poultry management skills and how to make poultry feeds formulation.