KALRO Improved Indigenous Chicken
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ADSE is implementing The KALRO improved indigenous chicken (KIIC) project targeting 2,500 small holder farmers in Machakos and Kitui counties. The project is funded by European Union through KARLO in partnership with the Government of Kenya and is targeting green grams, cowpeas, sorghum and poultry value chains, increased water access, enhanced environmental conservation and mainstreaming cross cutting issues like HIV, Disability, children and women empowerment. The project aims at improving Agriculture sector to reduce the national food deficit by strengthening adoption of climate smart agricultural approaches and market integrated small holder agriculture competitiveness through dissemination and commercialization of KALRO improved indigenous chicken breeds with the following Objectives;
- To promote farmer adoption of new KALRO improved Indigenous Chicken climate smart technologies for increased production and productivity of Chicken value chain.
- To link farmers to KALRO improved Indigenous Chicken commodity markets.
- To facilitate farmer access to and use of production inputs.
- To enhance farmer access to and derive services from financial institutions.
- To build capacity of farmers and other stakeholders along the KALRO improved Indigenous Chicken value chain.