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Health, Nutrition and Child Protection/Safeguarding

Adequate health and nutrition are essential for the healthy development of families. Families affected by illness may not be able to work or provide proper care.

Children in these situations are at risk of dropping out of school in order to care for a sick adult and work in order to replace lost income. If the caretaker dies from the illness, the child risks a number of negative outcomes including living on the street or being placed in institutional care. During the implementation period of the previous strategic plan, ADSE implemented three key strategic outcomes in this thematic area: Improved community health status, Enhanced Child protection and reduced cases of child abuses and school dropouts. These objectives was achieved through the following outcomes.

In the 2014/19 implementation period ADSE, formed and built the capacity of Twelve (12) child protection committees with 110 men and 126 women. The trainings were geared towards enlightening the committee members on organizational development and build their capacities on strategies for child protection against abuse. Further, ADSE reviewed its child protection policy and developed viable implementation strategies. During this period, thirty-eight cases of child abuse were reported and ADSE, linked these particular cases with the children department and police. In addition, ADSE identified and supported, 34 vulnerable households with 2,300-litre water tanks, and 112 vulnerable households supported with goats; 450 more households that lacked electricity were supported with renewable energy lights. Eight staff members were exposed to SAO-Uganda on child protection and safeguarding, while 164 (78male and 86 female) community members participated in the day of the African Child. Additionally, ADSE achieved a reduction of malnutrition for the under 5yrs through agro-nutrition campaigns and awareness reaching 4431 (4121female, 310 male). 2,909 children under five benefited from nutritionrelated activities. The organization improved the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS through enhancing economic resilience caregiving and protection on the capacity of households and caregivers where 392 were reached through HIV awareness and sensitization campaign

The organization has a rich history on Implementation of intergrated community development approaches which has remained distinctive, in addressing the needs of the rural poor households to realize secure livelihoods characterized by adequate food supply, potable water, stable incomes, good health, and resilience to climate change, child protection, and addressing issues of governance, peace, disability, HIV/AIDS and gender.

Please join us/Let’s partner in changing the lives of the rural communities!