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Machakos county Data (2019)

About Machakos County

Machakos County is located in the eastern region of Kenya. It covers an area of 6,208Km2. It borders Embu, Muranga and Kiambu Counties to the North, Nairobi and Kajiado Counties to the West, Makueni County to the South and Kitui County to the East. It has 8 sub-counties: Masinga, Yatta, Kangundo, Matungulu, Kathiani, Mavoko, Machakos Town and Mwala. The county has a population of 1, 421 932 (Vol. 1 KPHC 2019) with 710,707 of the population being male, 711.191 being female and 34 persons being intersex. Some of the strengths in the county are well endowed with natural resources Rivers (Athi and Tana), livestock, minerals, game, tourists’ attraction sites, rangeland and space.The main economic activities livestock farming, fruits farming, and harvesting, quarry stones, food crops such as cereals. The potential Minerals: diatomite, gypsum, bentonite, Kyanite, garnet, coal, beryl, muscovite, magnesite12. 2016 data places Machakos County’s poverty rate at 24.1%



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