Water For Kenya Project
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Sustainable Water Harvesting and Environmental Conservation Project
The project Initiatives are implemented in Kalawa Ward, Makueni County in Lower Eastern part of Kenya since 2014, funder by Wasser-fuer-Kenia- Germany. The target region relies more on rain fed agriculture apart from few pockets which have managed to harvest rain water and can-do small-scale irrigation, which is not possible to produce enough for several families. The target area is characterized by seasonal rivers and streams that discharge the only rainwater that falls during the two seasons to the oceans. These seasonal rivers convey a lot of surface runoff and hence remain dry whereby the riverbeds are only occupied by sand. The areas are also covered by learning institutions which are iron roofed with a good surface area for rain water harvesting. Most arable land has been highly degraded due to population pressure and unsustainable human activities such as sand harvesting, cutting down of trees, poor farming systems, and over-exploitation of common property resources that sustain the livelihoods of the rural poor. Water access by school going children is a big challenge despite big roof catchments and high precipitation that is experienced during the rainy season.
With the overall goal on improving water availability and access among 5,000 school going children and Community members for domestic use, agricultural production and environmental conservation, the project is facilitating the target communities in the implementation of appropriate technologies which includes;
- Roof water harvesting through the construction of 50m3 masonry tank;
- Construction of sand dams and Sump wells along seasonal rivers
- Excavation of farm ponds in schools; Managed by school clubs
- Tree nursery establishment and tree planting in schools to conserve environment
- Environmental conservation through construction of institutional and households energy saving stoves/Jikos
- Development of irrigation system through construction of Thwake-Ivooni sump tank, 2.7Km water pipeline and 250M3 Masonry tank
- Development of agricultural initiatives and promotion of efficient water use methods
- Making of renewable energy water supply sources
- Development of community structures; Self help groups and water user associations for sustainability
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