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USAID -ADSE Partnerships

USAID 4Better Health Program is a service delivery activity focusing on OVC that have been affected or infected by HIV/AIDS. This is contributing to ADSE thematic area of Health and Nutrition. The goal for USAID 4Better Health Program is, ‘’To improve the quality of life of OVC and their families by providing greater access to and uptake of quality health and social services.” The project is being implemented in Makueni, Machakos and Kitui Counties.

USAID 4Better Health Machakos COP 21 target is 5094 OVC. The project supports beneficiaries enrolled within achakos, Masinga, Yatta, Kangundo, Matungulu, Kathiani, Mavoko and Mwala Sub counties. The program staff participated in a sustainability showcase meeting with the USAID Mission Director Mr. Mark Meassick, County Director for Children’s services, County Commissioner, Social Development Officers, and the County government in Machakos County.

During the Director’s visit to the County, a memorandum of understanding was signed that will enable the agency and the county government to implement development programs and foster county-managed and county-sustained development that will promote the journey to self-reliance.

The program showcased activities done by the ‘Mwanzo Mpya’ Village Saving and Loaning Activity group from the Lower Kaewa ward that include: a merry-go-round and table banking, and group farming as well. The group members were able to share their successes and the benefits of joining the group which has enhanced their economic stability.

The beneficiaries narrated the benefits they received from the program as well as the challenges they face during their medication and the stakeholders promised support and assured of their collaborations to ensure that the beneficiaries get timely and age-appropriate services. The Mission Director encouraged the caregivers to save more and ensure they engage in income-generating activities as this will enhance their resilience.

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